

my refrigerator guest book & other house quirks

Okay. On this random fact friday, I have somewhat of a slightly different direction (and an easy-to-pass pop quiz!) for us to take. With April's around the house theme, let's talk about some of our around the house quirks!

We all have them, so . . . let's own 'em. I think most of us typically enjoy talking about quirks in general, because while there's a sense of individualism about what we uniquely do in our own little ways, there's also a little bit of camaraderie and bonding created when you find people who think and act similarly to you, right? Even when it comes to silly little quirks.

I mean, for example . . . when you find another person who agrees with you that the toilet paper direction really does go under and not over, ha, don't you have just a little more appreciation and respect for that friend??? ;)

Below is a preview of this week's downloadable PDF and questions, filled in with my answers to get us started and to share with yall, a few of my general little quirks. I would love to hear from you on where we're alike and/or different. And too, what other questions pop up in your mind that I've not covered here.

Screenshot of my answers; Click to see it enlarged. 

the point?

The goal for these "quirks" posts will be to take simple joy in what we do daily/regularly and discover that there are likely others in our lives who can appreciate those things too. And maybe even laugh with us about some of these things! Basically . . . to learn more about each other.

So from time to time, I'll create a list of quirky/random questions about a general life area that we can poll ourselves on, use as conversation starters at lunch or on road trips, or maybe even adapt for larger groups. For this one regarding household related topics, I could see it being adapted for a quiz/game for a couple's around-the-house shower. Any other ideas?

about that refrigerator guest book

In addition to the general quirks, I wondered as I was writing, if there was something not listed in the specific questions that may be something you do for your home that's a little more unique . . . I mean, it is Random Fact Friday after all! :) So that question appears too. 

And it got me to thinking about what my answer would be to that question, and it would be the fact that I've kept a "polaroid/fuji refrigerator guest book" for over 10 years now. I started it when I bought my first home (and when they still sold polaroids for less than $5 a print!) and have carried this quirky little tradition with me to Birmingham; though now I have a super cute and fun little Fuji Instax Mini (and costs less than $1 a print from Amazon!)

I started doing this because for one, I love pictures. I've always been a photo nut and have GOBS of pictures and albums and photo boxes. But mostly though, I thought it'd be a really fun way to remember people in my life who have made my home a little happier and brighter because they were there. Whether just coming by for a visit, a celebration, or even a gas heater false alarm, the moment was captured, and years later, I LOVE looking through these literal instant snapshots in time.

Each one (of about 150–200??) makes me genuinely smile.

this week's question

Here's a link to a downloadable PDF to be typed into or written on. In addition to the specific questions, if there's something unique you or your family do, record that too. It could be something ongoing or something isolated and related to something specific. Just a "home" thing that's special to you. And if you currently don't have "a thing", then maybe this post will help spark an idea, if that's something you want :)

Any other questions can you think to add to this list?? Please share in a comment if so!