

feeling free.

I considered keeping a random fact friday post/theme this month, but decided to hit pause in July, exercise a little creative writing freedom, and pick it back up in August. 

On this site, whether through a design or my blog, I like to recognize and celebrate the small and large parts of life -- the things that go into making us, "us." I kept thinking this month about "freedom." Of course it was spurred with our country's fourth of July celebrations -- which are so much fun! I mean, who doesn't love a good hot dog with a beautiful fireworks backdrop?? :) 

Photo downloaded from

Photo downloaded from

Merriam-Webster defines freedom as "the quality or state of being free." And in scripture, we find Paul sharing with the people of Galatia, "it is for freedom that Christ has set us free." 

For a long time, I'd not really understood that verse (it sounded repetitive to me), but in studying it closer and talking with a couple of friends, my summary of it is this: as people who have accepted His salvation by grace, through our faith, we are not bound to live by the old laws, rather we live through His spirit and guidance (the "have-to's" become the "want-to's").

There is grace and freedom to move, live, and be, in Christ -- and it's in this place I feel the most purpose. Because of Him, we have the opportunity to have a relationship with God; not just practice a set of religious rules for show, as many religious leaders (Pharisees and Sadducees) did, back in the day. His grace allows us room to grow in both the proud and not-so-proud moments of life. To truly live. Free

So, yeah, freedom. What a gift! And in my life, I try to regularly recognize and value the gifts of both physical and spiritual freedoms. 


a little birdie trail . . . 

A few years ago, I came across a so-cute little bird necklace while at Birmingham's Pepper Place summer market. When I first got it, it became one of two "everyday" necklaces for me; the other being a little silver sparkly star necklace I found while on vacation in Orange Beach. Both were gifts I bought myself, and both weren't my typical buys.

While I LOVE jewelry, I don't usually let myself buy much of it. I always figure there are "more important" things to buy. And there usually are. But it's nice every now and then to do something nice for yourself, when you can (freedom to choose!) 

Here are a few facts about my little bird necklace:

1. I loved it at first sight. It felt like "me."

2. It's one of my most favorite things.

3. I actually own two of them now, because I lost the first one and was SO sad. I contacted the local artist, Celia O'Kelley, who creates each one of them by hand and was able to get a replacement. Months later, I found the first one somewhat buried in the carpet near my night stand. (YAY!!!)

4. I'd always thought of it as a symbol of hope and possibilities . . . but the more I grow in my faith, the more I connect it to my relationship with God and am reminded of how much He has freed me from and how good His nature is; how He longs for us to be close to Him and experience first-hand the freedom He offers daily and eternally to anyone who accepts Him

5. And lastly . . . it's not the Twitter bird. (I've been asked that more than once.)  :)


everyday freedoms -- find them -- treasure them

I brainstormed a few "simple" freedoms to share and hope to get you thinking about yours too:

  • road trips -- I love being on the road with no strict agenda!

  • running outdoors in fresh, non-polluted air

  • cable/satellite free in my home for about 2 years now -- And let me say, I LOVED satellite television, and still do when I'm in others' homes. But personally, I was spending way too much time there on a regular basis. I feel like I live so much more fully now without it consuming SO many of my free hours, and I love it! (and the option of Netflix!) :)

  • taking time to just sit and enjoy time reading in a coffee shop, just for fun

  • paying off a bill (!!!!!)

In each of these simple, everyday activities specific to where I currently am in life, I taste freedom. My heart often swells with gratitude when I stop to view them as the gifts they are. 

Brainstorming the spiritual side of freedom for me -- I rest assured that when I "mess up", life's not over. I know I have a loving and compassionate Savior who says, "come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

I believe there is always something to learn, and if I keep my eyes on Him, and try to see my situations through spiritual eyes, I can more easily discern what is true and right. My choices become more clear. These kinds of acknowledgements release a sense of freedom into my heart, soul, and mind. And consequently, free me of anxieties and fears of the unknown that can all too often overtake me if I let them.


what about you?

So I'm curious to know -- what about you? What makes you feel free? How do you see those freedoms expressed in your day-to-day activities and/or in your spirit? I saw on facebook recently, a friend who added a new picture of a haircut she got with the simple caption of, "so much freedom from one haircut!"  . . . another great, simple example!  

Feel free (pun intended) :) . . . to leave a comment below or direct message me if you'd like on my contact page