

joy to the world

Well, I didn’t set out to create downloadable Christmas art each year, but it seems that’s exactly what I’ve done for the last few years now :)

In contrast as a “first,” I’m reading through my first Advent book, and I’ve really enjoyed it! I’m going through Paul David Tripp’s, Come Let Us Adore Him. In this time and season, the idea and reality of “hope” continues to resonate in my spirit.

What greater hope is there than the hope that Jesus brought to our fallen world through his first Advent and in the promise of His second Advent to come?

Joy to the world, The Lord is come; Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and nature sing!

an accidental christmas carol

Did you know—I did not until recently—that “Joy to the World” was originally a poem based off Psalm 98, written by Isaac Watts in the 1700s? Though the intent was to share the joy of the return of Christ in His second coming, when He will “rule the world with truth and grace,” when it was set to music a century later and released around Christmastime, it became a popular holiday favorite.

Another post I read about this song shares:

This song is all about the fulfillment of what Christ came to do in the first place. Christmas is not only a time to look back at the grace accomplished in the past. Christmas is also a time to look forward to the grace that was accomplished for our future. When we sing these words we are proclaiming the ultimate joy to be revealed. This is why we can sing ”Joy to the World” at Christmas.


free downloadable image

The image (JPG) file below will open in a new window. Just right click on it anywhere if on a desktop or laptop and if on a mobile device, look for your standard download/share arrow and then save it to your device. From there, print and enJOY!

Joy to the World 5x7