

the world needs a little more silly.

And you can help with that! :) I'm even gonna throw out and pull for, a special date for this to happen, just in case you need an excuse: October 23rd. (So if you're reading this in the immediate present, you've got a week to think on it!)  

And here's why I say this about being more silly -- In a world flooded with uncertainties, chaos, and fear, I vote for being as intentional as you can to enjoy little things in life and/or create your own silly, good, fun. So much of what I try to write about and lift up on parapalla really is based on the most simple things in our lives; things that make me, and I know others too, happy. 

so, why october 23?

We all have quirks, right? Well, I happen to have a favorite day. It's October 23rd. It has no deep or profound meaning. It's tied to nothing or no one. In stark contrast to those typical ways we call attention to dates, this date is all about being random and fun. 

In its most basic explanation, its my favorite month combined with my favorite number, and one day, about 16 or 17 years ago, when I put them together in my head, I thought, "those look AWESOME together! I think this will be my favorite day!  . . . Why not??" 


the rest of the story . . .  

I first noticed how the 23rd seemed to stand out. I kept one of those little pocket calendars in my purse in the late 90s and was pretty good to keep it current. I guess you could say it was part calendar and part diary, and as I was reading through it after it was nearly full, I noticed how on the 23rd of each month, there was something significant that usually happened. It was mostly good stuff, which made me like that date all the more. 

I also noticed a journal I was keeping at the time that just happened to have started on January 23rd and ended on June 23rd . . . soooo, after observing all of this, I thought, "this number keeps jumping out at me -- it must be 'my' number." I didn't think a ton about it, but I did start paying attention to it, and it kept coming up.

October 23, 2012. My then team leader, Dick, who had a background in graphic design, surprised me with that thoughtfully created little pink tag, and I wore it all day. My hand is actually covering it in the lunch photo, but I promise it's there. An…

October 23, 2012 | My then team leader, Dick, who had a background in graphic design, surprised me with that thoughtfully created little pink tag, and I wore it all day. My hand is actually covering it in the lunch photo, but I promise it's there. And Jim 'n Nicks cheddar biscuits -- you can never go wrong when those are part of a celebration!

Then came October

I've always loved the fall, but I guess after I moved back to Alabama after being in Orlando for two years, I was able to see October with fresh eyes. I realized I loved SO much about it -- college football is in full swing (Roll Tide!), leaves begin to start turning, fall colors are so fun and pretty (purples, oranges, greens), scarves and boots make their debuts; the local fair is always in town then; also, I'm a fan of fall festivals and Halloween dress-up, so those things are really fun to me, and, I promise, the sky itself just looks different in October! It's more beautiful than normal! 

Soooo . . . 23 + October = favorite day! :)

when it solidified

So I guess I got kind of excited about it, and I told a couple of people (not all that surprising, if you know me). Well, after the initial sharing, I didn't think much more about it until months later, when my fun-loving friend Jay, who was working at our college alma mater at the time, mentioned to me, "hey, your favorite day is coming up!" Not thinking anyone would actually remember this, I replied to him, "what??" Then he pointed to his big desk calendar where he had written down on October 23rd, "Michelle's favorite day" . . . And y'all, I really think that was the moment it stuck, and I thought, "yes! holy cow! someone actually heard me! this is fun!!" 

So ever since then, I've kind of just owned it as "my favorite day," and it has been SO MUCH fun! Each year, it comes up in various conversations, and I get to share this silly little quirk with more people, and it always brings a few more smiles, laughs, and okay -- sometimes, a weird look or two -- but that doesn't bother me. It kind of just makes me more inspired to "spread the silly" and keep running with it all the more! 

Also after sharing about this day, I often get this response from others who hear it for the first time, "I want a favorite day!" To which I always reply, "do it!!!"  . . . I'm so not greedy with my random holiday-ness :) 

so how does this affect you?

So glad you asked :) In the past, October 23rd has consisted of me picking out a special "Oct 23 outfit" (much like a birthday--and I'm just as sad when it's over, like on a birthday) and mostly receiving text messages and Facebook posts from friends who know about this date, just wishing me a "happy favorite day," or "happy October 23rd!" And I love every single one of those thoughts.

October 23, 2013. Love them :)

My brother, Pete, and sis-in-law, Fernanda, throwin' up a happy 2-3 for me! Love them :)

Well, last year, my work friends went WAY over the top in celebrating this little "holiday in my head." So much to the point that I was honestly a little embarrassed, b/c for the first time, I got gifts (photo below)! And it's never ever been about getting gifts -- it's just been a reason to be happy for no real reason at all, and to have fun and hang out with people I love.

But after the Starbucks, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, cake pops, and even balloons (wow!), I thought . . . Okay. Let's turn this around next year. Let's make this a day that ANYONE can feel free to do something fun and random for others or for yourself. Just celebrate the day for being one that you're thankful to have and thankful to just be alive!

And maybe that looks like a cup of coffee or doughnuts for friends, family, or co-workers, or another fun treat that would brighten a day. Whatever it looks like, make it COUNT. And make it FUN.

If you do decide to play along with my fun, made-up holiday and you're on Instagram, I'd love to know what you wind up doing!!! Just use #oct23parapalla to share. And feel free to follow me there too; I've been doing a special photo-a-day, #23to1023 countdown to the first birthday of parapalla, Oct 23rd! (not a coincidence) :) 

In summary, I just think it'd be so cool to see this as an (unofficial) "random acts of random fun" kind of day, whether for 5 or 5,000. After all, we do benefit from a little more silly in our lives every now and then, right?? 

Happy (almost) October 23rd!