
Near & Dear: Ministries I Love

Voice of the Martyrs & Open Doors USA

Voice of the Martyrs & Open Doors USA

The more I learn about the persecuted church, the more my heart is burdened to pray, to “remember those in prison as though in prison with them,” Hebrews 13:3. Voice of the Martyrs and Open Doors USA are two incredible non-profits that are leading the way in remembering and in doing, taking care of those in deep need.

Founded in 1967, Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is “a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian missions organization dedicated to serving our persecuted family worldwide through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them.” Open Doors USA’s mission is much the same. Operating now for over 60 years, they are “a community of Christians who come together to support persecuted believers in more than 60 countries.”

I love and use both of their apps often and encourage anyone interested in really learning more about praying for these brothers and sisters in Christ to download them and start that journey today.

persecution.com & opendoorsusa.org


Compassion International

Compassion International

I was able to begin partnering with Compassion International in 2009, and what a sweet joy it has been! In that time, I’ve been blessed to sponsor many children, and through letters back and forth around the world, it’s been such a blessing to share encouragement with them and watch them grow!

Children who get to come to the Compassion centers have HOPE like they never had before, and it is so easy to be a part. From their site: Your support of $38 per month provides life-changing opportunities such as: an opportunity to attend or stay in school, medical care, which often saves lives; nourishing food, mentoring and a safe environment through a local evangelical church, and most important, opportunities to hear the gospel.



Alabama Baptist Children's Homes

Alabama Baptist Children's Homes

Often referred to as ABCH, the Children’s Homes serves thousands of children and families each year in Alabama through providing homes for children (largely through Foster Care and in Campus Care homes) and counseling through sister ministry, Pathways Professional Counseling.

I’ve worked at the Children’s Homes for a few years now, and in that time, God has grown my heart and understanding of what it means to “care for the orphan and widow.” He has also shown me how incredible His body of believers are who serve and sacrifice for children in need, loving them selflessly and desiring they come to know personally the source of this love, Jesus Christ.



Moody Global Ministries

Moody Global Ministries

“D.L. Moody arrived in Chicago in 1856 with dreams of making a fortune in the shoe business. Deeply burdened by the city's poor, uneducated children, Moody's mission quickly shifted to teaching them the Bible. These initial Sunday school meetings in a converted saloon birthed Moody Bible Institute and the ministries that followed.”

I was first introduced to Moody on the radio, (which can also be streamed online), Moody Radio, and I L-O-V-E it, being encouraged with great preaching and Christian talk shows. Being able to provide a small monthly gift also means I receive a new devotional each month in the mail, which is sometimes a daily book study and sometimes topical. All times, it’s just good.





“WorldCrafts develops sustainable, fair-trade businesses among impoverished people around the world. Our vision is to offer an income with dignity and the hope of everlasting life to every person on earth.”

WorldCrafts is a division of WMU, and having spent nearly 7 years working there (WMU), I know with great confidence, these organizations and the efforts they make to serve and support local artisans and missionaries around the world are top notch! WorldCrafts currently serves and supports families in 25 different countries. Check them out, and shop with a purpose!

worldcrafts.org and wmu.com




Also referred to as Campus Crusade for Christ, Cru has been going and growing since 1951, starting ministries in 3 countries by the end of that decade. Nearly 70 years later, their reach spans to 190 countries (!) and there are SO many facets of involvement as they seek to reach the world for Christ.

What I know of Cru is largely related to the college outreach, which is also where the ministry started. We have friends who serve on U.S. and international campuses and also at the headquarters in Orlando.

