

what's your number(s)?

I’ve established here before the fact that we all have our quirks. I can appreciate quirks. I think many times, they add color to our lives. One of my quirks is being a “numbers” person.


A few years ago, I started noticing particular number combinations with the time of day, and it led me to think of prayer. What number combos would pop up on my clock that I could find a connection, an association with, that I could attach a prayer to? It’s an easy thing to do, really. It just requires a little mindfulness and “want to.”

I thought as we start this month, it would be fun to share this idea and ask you, on this #DoTellTuesday, what number combos mean something to you, that you could easily turn into prayer prompts when you see them on your clock/watch/phone?

Ideas to get started

To help spur ideas, below are a few of mine with sample prayers to show just how quick and easy it can be to pause for about 10 seconds in your day to think of others and/or needs around you.


Birthdays, anniversaries, your job hire date, (or retirement, if you’re there!), street addresses or apartment numbers, verse references, area codes, or other random number combos that have a special meaning are all up for prayer possibilities! (a few examples below are slightly altered for privacy)

5:06 >> May 6 >> my birthday >> God, thank you for creating life and for my mom and dad who gave me life. Thank you for all the ways they love me. Help them today, with whatever their day brings, to seek you and honor you.

10:15 >> Oct 15 >> Marks’ birthday >> God, I’m so thankful for my husband and the gift he is to me and so many others. Thank you. Guide him today and everyday. Help me to respect him and love him well on both the easy days and the hard days. 

4:07 >> (407) >> Orlando area code >> Father, thank you for all the ways you guide our paths. Thank you for friends you gave me while working at Disney and for the times we can still connect today. Watch over and protect them today.

2:05 >> (205) >> Birmingham area code >> God, you are all-wise and all-powerful. Please give wisdom to those who govern our city and protection over our first-responders. Give us a spirit of love and fellowship as we engage with those we meet in our city.


4:28 >> #428 >> my old apartment number >> Lord, that was a sweet season of life. Thank you for every season you bring us to, (and sometimes, through!), and help me to seek you and glorify you in my current season.

12:01 >> Dec. 1 >> friends’ wedding anniversary >> Father, thank you for friends, and thank you for the example this pair is to me and others, both in their marriage and in just being awesome friends! I pray you be with them today and help them as they strive to serve you and raise their children to know you and your love.

12:34 >> 1-2-3-4 >> Order. >> God, you are a God of order. Thank you that you make sense out of chaos and uncertainty. Help me see your hand at work today and help me to trust you with what I don’t understand.

10:23 >> 10/23 >> my favorite day >> God, as much as you are a God of order, I thank you for the “random” joys in my life, like picking a favorite day and number that just makes me smile. Thank you for all the ways you make each one of us unique and special!

Your turn!

So how about you? What numbers, days, events, etc. are you thinking of? Jot them down if it helps you to get started.

Get a few in mind now, and watch how the Lord will bring more to your mind as you begin this quick, yet meaningful practice :)