

what's your favorite quote?

If you’re like me, you have quite a few favorite sayings, verses, or quotes that you enjoy being reminded of and strive to apply and live out.

As I’ve pondered over the month what I’d want to share on a #DoTellTuesday, this quote came to mind, and I thought it’d be a good one to share and ask you this question too:

What are some of your favorite quotes or scriptures, and why?

I first read this quote over 20 years ago, going through a booklet written by Dr. Tony Evans, who remains one of my all-time favorite pastors/authors/speakers. These days, I’m able to tune in on Moody Radio or the OnePlace app to hear him—and last week, we actually got go and hear him here in Birmingham! (below!)

Such a sweet evening!

Such a sweet evening!

I’ve often come back to this statement as I’ve felt an internal challenge to reach a goal or to step out in faith, and I’ve found myself sharing it with others many times too in various conversations.

It’s a good one, this quote; one I think we can all relate to. How many times do we talk about making ‘this or that’ decision or dream about doing something (big or small) —but then never take that step to walk out what is on our hearts and minds to do (more exercise, anyone? :/ ) or even more importantly, the things we know God has called us to do in His Word?

“True decisions are not made; they are lived.”

I hope this encourages your heart today and in days to follow; that it will come to mind and help you to take action and live out the things that matter.

And I doubt he would ever see this, but on the chance he does, thank you, Dr. Evans, for so many years of faithful and sacrificial life-giving ministry and encouragement. You have no idea how you’ve helped me, and so many others too. Keep on going! :)

And if you have a quote you’d like to share, feel free to comment below!

Oh, and here’s a free lock screen of this quote, if you’d like to keep this reminder close by too!