Wow. What a busy fall season it's been! I was traveling last week and got to visit a few days with best friends down on the Eastern Shore, the Jerrells. Their little girl, my niece Holly Anne, (also known as Holls, Holly Boo, or Sweet Girl), came home from church last Wednesday with a thankfulness exercise that I really just loved and thought, that'd be so fun and easy to recreate and share on my site!
I've been learning (and experiencing) more and more the past two/three years, that developing a heart of thankfulness and gratitude is a game changer. No matter the "yuck" I've faced, whether in the form of discouragement, trials, everyday annoyances, fear, or big challenges, when I can actively shift my focus and prayers to the good things still going on around me, "counting my blessings," then my thoughts change, and with that, my attitude and outlook.
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