

Posts in random fact friday
have a hobby?

Happy August, friends! With all the crazy going on around us, all over the world (and man, is there ever so much), I think it's good to take a pause from time to time and think about things that aren't quite so heavy; to strive for a good balance. Jumping back on the random fact friday train is a small way for me, and you too, to do just that. Since it's been a little while, I thought I'd summarize the "why" of this little initiative . . .

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rff wrap up: birthday skydiving!

. . . But no, not my birthday skydiving. No skydiving here for this gal, ha . . . Though there was a time I actually wanted to skydive. But that was before the 300 ft monstrosity of "fun" called a skycoaster entered the picture. I willingly put myself on this in Kissimmee, Florida, back in the days of working at Disney in my early 20s.

From what I understand, it still holds the record as the world's tallest skycoaster and records a top speed of 76 mph. "The longest minute and a half of your life." . . . I mean, go big or go home, right?!? (though at the time, it was just my only option, ha)

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birthday standouts

I don't know about any of you, but so far for me, June has been a WHIRLwind — but in great and memorable ways!

The first week of June I got to host BFF Jill and her kiddos (sans Sam) a couple days in Bham. And then directly following their visit, hosted a couple days for my brother and sis-in-law in from Atlanta, Pete and Fernanda (Fer, for short). And I then jumped on a plane June 6 for a work trip to Baltimore for a week; first time there — loved it!

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rff wrap-up: second languages

It's become a little bit of an adventure to me now, to seek out friends each month to discover new things about through the random fact friday/#lifeaboutlife initiative. In wrapping up the month of May, there are two friends I'm sharing about; one with a pretty funny learning-the-language story and one with some great tips and advice on trying to learn a second language from her own experiences. 

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"la transaction, what???"

Bonjour!! In picking back up today with the random fact friday initiative, I thought a general area that would be fun to talk about, that I bet a lot of us fall into, is knowing (or even sorta knowing) a second language. I'd love to know how many of you fit into this group, and too, your interest/background of the language! And the regular PDF is below for those wanting to keep up with their RFF facts personally.

So, this week's random/interesting fact for me: I can speak a little French. 

I took two years in high school and two semesters in college. So when I say "little," I mean, just enough to be dangerous. Just enough to make me confident enough to step out there and act like I know what I'm talking about. Literally.

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wrapping up the random: april

So I've learned a few things about this month's random fact friday (RFF) around the house theme, in the lives of friends I've known for a while and then in the lives of some, that I've recently met. Two highlights to share with details following after:

one: I have a FEW friends (Robin, Trae, Janet) who have also made the unfortunate discovery that Pyrex glass can and will explode. Below is a story about my friend Robin's experience as a 21 year-old newlywed, cooking for her in-laws very first visit . . . yes, their first visit. 

two: One of the things I share in common with BFF Jill, that I'd not connected the dots to until this month, is the fact that we both bring fun elements into our homes that are life enriching — sharing below a couple of regular activities she maintains with her family; one ongoing for some time now and one brand new this year. These are ideas you may want to pick up, especially if you have kiddos! Or even if you don't! 

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my refrigerator guest book & other house quirks

Okay. On this random fact friday, I have somewhat of a slightly different direction (and an easy-to-pass pop quiz!) for us to take. With April's around the house theme, let's talk about some of our around the house quirks!

We all have them, so . . . let's own 'em. I think most of us typically enjoy talking about quirks in general, because while there's a sense of individualism about what we uniquely do in our own little ways, there's also a little bit of camaraderie and bonding created when you find people who think and act similarly to you, right? Even when it comes to silly little quirks.

I mean, for example . . . when you find another person who agrees with you that the toilet paper direction really does go under and not over, ha, don't you have just a little more appreciation and respect for that friend??? ;)

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the perils of pyrex

random fact #3
One time in the kitchen, I literally blew up a Pyrex casserole dish . . . and food and glass went E V E R Y where! Here's the photo proof of the "during" and then the "after" clean-up. Yeah. That really happened.

Since I never mind laughing at myself, I thought it'd be fun to share this experience from the spring of 2012; in April to be exact. So two years later, in thinking on this month's theme, I thought it'd be fun to talk about some of the random, interesting things we've done "around the house." This week: kitchen fails.

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wrapping up the random: March

What a fun month! I don't know about any of you, but my conversations were just a little more enriched when I remembered to ask friends, or when they brought up to me, our random fact Friday questions.

As a reminder, I'm doing this because of conversations I had in February that left me suspect to believe that our lives truly are more interesting than we often realize.

And I think it's GOOD to remember the good. To "make life more about life" by celebrating the good and random, interesting things we've walked through, and not just focusing on what's in front of us now, that may just leave us, in our own eyes, feeling hum-drum or so-so (and don't you love dash-y words??) I say who we are is a sum of our life experiences, and I want to dig into those in a small way here.

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the award goes to . . .

This month's random fact friday theme on childhood facts brings me back again to fifth grade and awards time. When passing out our end of the year awards, believe it or not, I took home the certificate for “the quietest student” in my class.

For you guys who have known me for any considerable length of time, I'm guessing this comes as a surprise . . . as I'm rarely ever at a loss for making conversation or chiming in with thoughts. And that's because I really enjoy conversation and exchanging ideas. I always have.

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