

a time to remember

You know what I was reminded of today? That is it GOOD and life giving to talk about what God has done in my life; to be reminded in concrete terms, talking out loud, sharing with another in Christ, of the ways He has taken care of me, provided for me, comforted me, spoken to me, and led me. Which makes me think of Psalm 23 . . . 

"He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake." vs.3

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil (why?) because you are with me. Your rod and staff (used for protection), they comfort me (to know you are in control and looking out for me)." (parentheses commentary, mine) vs.4

What I read here in Psalm 23 is what I've seen and experienced in my life, time and time again. Sometimes the paths we walk are light and feel good. Sometimes the paths we walk are dark and feel scary. As un-fun as those dark ones are, the two together create balance. Which is good.

And which makes me think of Ecclesiastes 3—where we read about a time and season for everything in our lives, in the hands of a God who does not change. A God who promises (and can't break His promises!) to be compassionate, slow to anger, and rich in love. A God whose mercies/compassions are new to each of us every morning. GREAT is His faithfulness!


Today I am grateful, on this last day of my 40th year (ahh! I can't believe I'm going to admit to that number on the always-there internet!) ;)  . . . for the unexpected, praising Him, remembering His love to me over all these years of ups and downs, conversation I had today.

He is so good! 

If it's been a while since you've had an out loud conversation with someone about God's faithfulness to you, make a point to find a friend and share or praise Him when He unexpectedly drops it in your lap (like He did for me today). However He graces you, I bet you'll be lighter, strengthened, and more joyful for it! 

And if you don't know this God that my face smiles and my heart swells to write about, I'd love to talk with you more about Him. He is good and He is not willing that any of us would perish, but that all would (believe and) repent.